About Our Class

1968 was an incredible period in American history. It is nicely summarized in this short video and, as is mentioned, “Everything you think you know about the 60’s probably happened in 1968.” Nearly 850 students graduated together in our class, all of whom were ready to change the world… and we did.

3 Responses to About Our Class

  1. Rachel C. McClammer-Love says:

    I graduated 1967 from Dundalk Senior High School in Dundalk, Maryland. Doing an online search for a person I know, I happened upon this class of 1968 and looked it over. When I saw the part about the deceased classmates I watched it and you have done such a beautiful memorial tribute to deceased classmates. I don’t know exactly how many were in my graduating class and how many are deceased now, but I don’t recall seeing a list as long as the number of students from your class of 1968 and I wished to express my sentiments to all those who lost past friends and people they knew. Sometimes it tugs at the heart strings when we come across the bleak facts of life and that of people we have been friends with, gone to school with, and may have retained as friends later on. My name is Rachel C. McClammer, and if you wish to comment me on this response feel free to do so. rlgraphicsrcm@aol.com

  2. Charles wills says:

    I would love to know when and how Betty Burns died. She was a dear friend.

  3. Kris Pardue says:

    My name is Kristine Muncie Pardue. I grew up in Walkerton. I was adopted February 1969. My original birth certificate named Mary Elizabeth “Betsy” Waldron as my birth mother.
    She was in this graduating class. She passed away in 2007.
    I am hoping that anyone who was friends with her would be willing to share some memories with me. Good & bad. I would like to get to know the real person.
    Thank you

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